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Poopsnoop Glossary

Poop - Facts about a product, brand or service "the man" would rather you not know and certainly not share with others

Snoop - (noun) one who investigates or explores, (noun) review or report of findings, (verb) to look closely without fear of discovery

Snooper - (noun) an individual who snoops and shares the truth about what they find

Star Snooper - (noun) Snooper identified by other Snoopers as being prolific amongst Snoops

Rant - (verb) to express the annoying, unfair, disappointing lies about a product, service, company or individual by holding nothing back (noun) a descriptive account of a negative or unfair consumer/citizen of the world experience

Rave - to express the wonderful, beneficial, valuable truths about a product, service, company or individual by holding nothing back. (noun) a descriptive account given, by way of thanks, to share positive consumer/citizen of the world experiences

What is Poopsnoop?

PoopSnoop is an online community of mavericks and revolutionaries who believe it is high time big business face the truth about exactly what their products and brands represent. PoopSnoop wishes to challenge the power of the media and marketing when it comes to how we, the people see the companies and products/services they promote.

PoopSnoop will tell you, if Coco Cola is “The Real Thing” if “Every Little Helps” at Tesco or if, “We’re loving it” at MacDonalds.

What can I get?

Honest personal reviews from profiled reviewers about goods, services and experiences and the companies that provide them, moderated and monitered by the PoopSnoop online community. Reviews are rated up or down by members so PoopSnoop is always giving the most popular review always based upon the opinion of the majority.

Why would I sign up?

Poopsnoop is for everyone who wishes to have their truth heard and contribute to the resource for change. It is for anyone who has ever been ripped off, sold something not fit for purpose or led to believe something about a product or service that was untrue, who needs to RANT. In contrast, anyone who has been overwhelmingly impressed by a product, service or company can share their RAVE. With enough Snoops dishing the Poop the people have the power to change perception and make change for the better.

What do I do?

Search for/find reviews on products you are thinking of buying, places you are planning to visit or companies you are thinking giving your business. Find recommendations in your town or city for goods or services you need or just read what other people are saying.

Make friends build groups with like minded reviewers, people who share your lifestyle choices or people that live nearby.

Sign up and and start Ranting and Raving about anything you have experience of and want to share.

Keep the conversation going with PS. Anything you discover, spill and share in a line or two.

Add your photos and videos.

The law may be an ass but the truth is universal.

Poopsnoop entry/review guidelines

PoopSnoop is only ever as good as it's members and the reviews they provide. When writing a review try to stick to the facts, what you get, how much it costs, when you used it, why you bought in and does it deliver value/positive experience. Give the reasons why you love/hate the product, service, advert, TV show you are reviewing. Think about things that would be helpful information for the visitor, person reading your review. Remember PoopSnoop is looking to drive markets based on real, truthful experience, rewarding the companies that make us happy and penalizing those that don't for whatever reason so long as it is the truth. The philosophy behind PoopSnoop is to give you, the consumer an outlet to rant or rave accordingly uniting the force or all those voices to make positive change in our world and make big business finally accountable. Reviews are published on PoopSnoop without moderation however our users are not interested in personal vendettas or bad language. Be very aware anything posted that is suspect or offensive will be removed and your account blocked immediately. So don't do it.

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