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GADGETS AND TECH _ Have you been tempted by a neat gadget only to discover it breaks after 5 minutes or conversely is the best thing since the electric toaster. _ Loads of us have limited tech ability but a quick break down of your experience good or bad can really help other people make the right decision. _ #consumerreviews #socialreviewnetwork #socialreviewcommunity #cgc #consumergeneratedcontent #techreviews #gadgetreview
CALLING IN FROM EVERY CORNER OF THE GLOBE _ A message from Shirley “When I lost all my money I joined the ranks of the underclass but I was still a general. I had always been a woman in a man’s world so I knew how to handle bad behaviour in the boardroom but once excluded because of my status I started to really notice how the poor (now me) were exploited and ripped off not just by big companies but by whole governments and even global bodies established to do good. I could see there were more of us than them, I could see if I could find a way to bring the suffering and the under privileged together with a voice we could overpower the ruling class, big business and collectively force change not with weapons or war but with words and opinion. In 2007 I dreamt about Poopsnoop in detail, a global platform, a united community, a tour de force. The dream was so powerful, even with no technical skills and no money I was compelled to begin.” Tour de Force translates to a feat of strength. _ #consumergeneratedcontent #cgc #socialreviewcommunity
THE PITCH _ Sometimes I get a good feeling. _ 🎶 #florida _ #aiantidote #poopsnoop #ericschmitt #cgc #socialreviewcommunity #consumergeneratedcontent
Get 20 snoops published and become a super snooper. Super snoopers are self moderating. Have a snoop and get the scoop. #snoopers #supersnoopers
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SNOOPERS AND SUPER SNOOPERS _ Have a snoop, get the scoop. _ Everyone starts as a snooper but after 20 published snoops you become a super snooper, self moderating. _ Poopsnoop gives you the Snooper the opportunity to build a profile of rants and raves, sharing your top tips and best places, and making it easier for the reader to discern if the review is relevant to them by finding more out about you. _ Keep your snoops clean, factual, honest and give reasons for your opinion. Original photos only please and credit any source information. 🙏 _ Start snooping. Rant or Rave. Getting it out is good for you. It’s free to read, it’s free to write. _ #poopsnoop #snoopers #supersnoopers #cgc #comsumergeneratedcontent #rantandrave
PEOPLE _ We all have people we have never met but hold in high esteem or regard because of their achievements, in sport, in music, in art, literature, science. People we follow, people we love, people we support, people we admire. _ Have you discovered uncovered something that has changed your opinion of someone famous ( or not ) and want to share. _ Have you been hurt or had an unexpected altercation with a business leader, politician, journalist, doctor, dentist and need to rant. _ Have you been conned or ripped off by someone and want to warn others. _ Curious to find out more - Poopsnoop is FREE to read unlimited snoops and FREE to join, write, comment and contribute. _ Get 20 snoops published and become a super snooper. _ Build your authentic influencer profile, not what’s on the outside, show us what’s on the inside. _ #cgc #consumergeneratedcontent #novakdjokovic #davidlynch #mikencube #pauldawson #premierpark #opinion #socialreviewcommunity
Very soon you’ll be able to download the Poopsnoop app. #poopsnoop #poopsnoopapp #startsnooping #newapp
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LOCATION ON LOVE _ Travelling single and you want to hook up with other travelling singles? How do you do it? _ On Poopsnoop snoopers can connect real time anywhere in the world. _ Check out a snooper’s profile, see what they are snooping about, places they love, brands they hate to find like minded people and useful information in your location. _ App will be available to download - coming very soon. _ #travellingsingle #travellingsingles #poopsnoop #locateit #socialreviewcommunity #newwebsitelaunch #newapp #consumergeneratedcontent #cgc
PoopSnoop is a dynamic social review community which provides up-to-the-minute information from individuals on products, brands, services, restaurants, books, and people, among others. Our paid platform provides a space where anyone can rant or rave honestly about what they support or aim to change. Users can also help elevate small independents or make the big and powerful accountable through honest reviews. For brands and corporates, PoopSnoop provides a space where they can interact with their customers, rectify problems, and find out what their customers have to say.
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LOCATE IT _ We wanted to bring people together in real time by location. _ Snoopers in the same location sharing up to the minute information like amazing charity shop finds. _ You don’t want that Chanel suit but someone will, share it on Poopsnoop for other snoopers. _ Of course the best charity shops were always going to be there. Add your favourites. _ #charityshops #charityshopping #snoop #snooper #poopsnoop #locateit #newwebsite #newwebsitelaunch
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