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LA County Museum Of Art
Fiona Moss / 01 February 2013 / Categories: Arts & Entertainment, Museums

LA County Museum Of Art

LA County Museum Of Art

With 100,000 objects dating from ancient times to the present, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) is the largest art museum in the western United States. A museum of international stature as well as a vital part of Southern California, LACMA shares its vast collections through exhibitions, public programs, and research facilities that attract nearly a million visitors annually.


First off, whether you are a fan of Kubrick, an aficionado or completely uninitiated, this exhibition has something for everyone. I think this Hollywood icon, director is very cool (if you are not familiar remember "The Shining"......here's Johnny, starring Jack Nicholson)

When you walk in, you get a couple of tall, massive actually screens showing montages of his work from Dr. Strangelove, Clockwork Orange, Space Odessey and Eyes Wide Shut which really sets you up for the whole experience. I didn't know that Kubrick was a recluse and even though he was an American, he died in 1999, he spent most of his life in London, somewhere he loved.

You really get a feel for the type of man he was, a complete neurotic perfectionist I think and get to see a whole bunch of his personal stuff, clearly a hoarder/collector.

One of the best parts for me, an amazing exhibit, a collection of his camera equipment, loads of old lenses and stuff which was awesome.

The way the whole thing is set up it goes from open space to much smaller rooms, like you are zooming in on his life and work which I thought was pretty cool. Also some pretty cool models of Dr Stranglove and Space Odessey sets, all to scale.

We spent about 3 hours checking everything out, could have een quicker if it wasn't so packed but I can see why everyone is interested, probably better to go during the day rather than in the evening. As members of the museum it was free for us, which was also cool.

LA is the first stop in North America and it is on for another 4 or 5 months so if you get the chance definitely check it out. So good to get such a close up on one of our greatest film genius. I had a really great time.

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Fiona MossFiona Moss

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