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Windsor Smith
March Moss / 01 January 2021 / Categories: Brands, Branded Products, Shoes

Windsor Smith

Windsor Smith

I wouldn’t specifically chose to jeopardise anyone’s business. I also understand in business things go wrong from time to time but I am so pissed off with one pair of Windsor Smith sneakers I want to rant. I bought a pair of Windsor Smith Corey sneakers from TK Maxx in Oct 2020. I absolutely loved them, they were exactly what I was looking for so I paid cash and left the store disgarding my receipt never imagining I would ever need to return them. I was excited.

On the first, no exaggeration, the first wear three of the 12 (6 on each shoe) laces loops snapped rendering the shoes unwearable.

I was not as annoyed as you might imagine, as I said I loved the sneakers and thought they would be easy to repair.

A visit to the local cobbler and £20 later I had the sneakers back in wearable condition.

I wasn’t looking for a refund or return but after doing a bit of research on what is presented as an ethical family run business decided to let the brand know what had happened on the advice of the cobbler just to see what they’d say. He said this was clearly a manufacturers fault.

I emailed them three times, received confirmation emails but no reply. Frustrated I found a couple of senior staff members on Linked In and reached out to them.

I did have a direct conversation with one person on her personal Instagram account but unfortunately the brand has strict policies in place regarding faulty product - don’t call us, we’ll call you. So I didn't get anywhere and despite confirmation of receipt of the three emails I'd sent I never heard a word back from anyone at Windsor Smith.

I did ask the senior staff member for an email for current CEO Brett Mance after reading online he had ousted his brother in a family feud and taken over the helm but she covered his ass, his office is not open for faulty product business either.

As soon as I wore the repaired sneakers again exactly the same thing happened to another of the laces loops, snapped (images below I sent to the brand) so they are back at the cobblers for another repair.

Just wanted to say, Buyer BEWARE.

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ProsGood looking product
ConsFell to bits
How much do you believe in this brand? 1

March MossMarch Moss

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