11 July Movie and TV Shows Little known gem directed by Alan Rickman A Little Chaos A Little Chaos is a 2014 British period drama film directed by Alan Rickman, based on a story conceived by Alison Deegan, who co-wrote the...
Movie Capote Capote is a 2005 biographical film about Truman Capote, following the events during the writing of Capote's non-fiction book In Cold Blood. Philip Seymour Hoffman won several awards, including the...
Movie One Day One Day stars Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess. Focus Features released the film theatrically in August 2011.
Movie The Savages A sister and brother face the realities of familial responsibility as they begin to care for their ailing father.
17 May Movie Moulin Rouge Moulin Rouge!, is a 2001 Australian-American romantic jukebox musical film directed, produced, and co-written by Baz Luhrmann. It tells the story...