23 December Movie The HolidayThe Movie Two girls from different countries swap homes for the holidays to get away from their relationship issues. However, their lives change...
Recommended by Louis Staples culture and entertainment Harpers Bazaar TV Show Palm Royale Apple TV Palm Royale is a period comedy-drama television series created by Abe Sylvia, based on the 2018 novel Mr. & Mrs. American Pie by Juliet McDaniel. The series premiered on March 20, 2024, with the...
TV Show First Dates First Dates is a British reality television programme that has aired on Channel 4 20 June 2013. The programme has...
TV Show Sugar Apple TV Series Apple’s acclaimed drama “Sugar,” starring and executive produced by Academy Award nominee Colin Farrell.
19 December Movie An old classic I’d forgotten about Malice Adapted from a story by Jonas McCord, the plot follows Andy and Tracy Safian, a newlywed couple whose lives are upturned after they rent part of...