Previous SnoopViennese Truffles Holly HY / 13 March 2025 / Categories: Media, Magazines British Vogue Magazine I love a snoop in Vogue When I was younger I used to carry a magazine. Usually a cosmopolitan and then when I moved to the US I liked the weekly’s In Style and Grazia and then when I moved back to the UK Stylist Magazine was my go to, principly because at that time money was tight and The Stylist Magazine was free and available at my gym.Throughout these formative fashion years Vogue was the bastion of style and culture, high priced, fat and glossy, it was for special occasions, first class flight cabins and in the hair salon if you went to that typeof place.Vogue over the years has changed from unaffordable and unattainable, everything from the clothes, the lifestyles, the celebrity profiles, to a voice for the 21st century under the editorial direction of Edward Ennimful. In his 6 year tenure, August 2017 to June 23 I keenly followed him on Instagram and was delighted to see the direction he was taking the magazine. Like dusting off a very old house, full of decrepit dated yet lovely furniture, opening the windows to see the gold thread on the handmade carpets glinting through the Haze. He added light and perspective, variety and humour 4 things the magazine was better for in my opinion.Now under new editorial leadership Chioma Nandi with Mr. Enninful still with the conde Nast brand but in a more global advisory role the Feb, 2025 edition is the latest issue I have read;The highlight in the magazine is the hilarious article by Hugh Grant, laugh out loud funny as he interviews his co star in Claridges over dinner. Grant has us in stitches in his opening as he remises about an experience he had in Claridges having dinner with Sarah Jessica Parker. I won’t ruin the joke you need to read the article. Hugh Grant is his usual dry, witty clever self in all his glory here.Leafing through this issue in particular reminded me how much regard I have for the publication and how much joy Vogue has delivered over the years.I have found myself these days in the kind of hair salon where Vogue is provided (without a sticker saying please do not remove. Thank you)I will say if you are the person that reads something in the hair salon you want to remember and then rip the page out you want, take a photo instead. There’s someone picking up that magazine after you. Print Rate this snoop: No rating yet 1 Tags:Hugh grantrenee zellwegerchioma nnadihugh grant interview Rant Or RaveRaveProsA pleasure like a quiet cup of Holly HYHolly HY Ex greedy consumer and selfish capitalist Other snoops by Holly HY Contact snooper Full biography Full biography Love supporting small business and B corporations. Try hard not to over consume. Anti plastic bags, plastic bottles, fur and fast or convenience food. Gave up meat 10 years ago, working on fish, cheese, milk (given up cereal) and eggs (once a week). x Twitter Comments are only visible to subscribers. Contact author Message sent. Name: Please enter your name. Please enter your name. Email: Please enter a valid email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your email. Subject: Please enter a subject Please enter a subject Message: Please enter the message. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use. Please select if you agree. Please solve captcha Please solve captcha. Close x