Previous SnoopThe Little Theater Next SnoopMathaf Museum Dora Black / 07 February 2013 / Categories: Arts & Entertainment, Concerts and Gigs Give It Up For Comic Relief LET'S SUPPORT RUSSELLRussell Brand is not everyone's cup of tea. Personally I think he is hilarious, risky but never the less hilarious but whether you are a lover or a loather (there seems to be little in the middle) I think this gig will be one not to be missed.I have had experience first hand of addiction so I really can connect with the personal journey Russell has been on and I know and can totally relate to his passion to help people who he so rightly describes as "pain's in the arse"Addicted people are horrible much of the time, they are completely self centred and self absorbed which means even the most tolerant of family and friends give up eventually. If you haven't been addicted and got better you just don't get it and if you are addicted and haven't got better you don't get it either and so addicted people are often left, and thus eventually kill themselves one way or another.I really admire the spot light Russell Brand is shining on this social problem which affects so many of us, we may not be addicted but likely we know someone who is, and I don't just mean addicted to alcohol or drugs because anyone who is obese also has addiction issues and that includes many people in the UK.This concert includes Emeli Sande, Jessie J, Kasabian, Noel Gallagher, Nicole Scherzinger in the line up, I'm so happy to see so many big names giving their time and talent in support.Not cheap I know at £54 pounds per ticket but I'm sure the gig will be amazing. I'll be there. I hope you will too. Print Rate this snoop: No rating yet 8174 Rant or RaveRaveProsRussell's hostingConsIt's a school Dora BlackDora Black I work in leicester as a pattern cutter. I also create my design sampling. Other snoops by Dora Black Contact snooper Full biography Full biography I am a fashion graduate from De Montfort University, Leicester, originally from Nottingham. Favourite designer Vivienne Westwood. Really admire Katherine Hamnett also for bringing awareness of climate change impact through fashion. x Twitter Comments are only visible to subscribers. Contact author Message sent. Name: Please enter your name. Please enter your name. Email: Please enter a valid email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your email. Subject: Please enter a subject Please enter a subject Message: Please enter the message. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use. Please select if you agree. Please solve captcha Please solve captcha. Close x