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Logan Paul
Mark Hutchinson / 21 November 2024 / Categories: Movie and TV Shows, TV Show

Logan Paul

BBC 3 Documentary

Logan Paul

I watched Logan Paul Bad Influence? Last night and thought I’d slip on here and give you all my take on this dude who has managed to amass millions and millions of super loyal fans over the last 10 or so years broadcasting on You Tube.

The program centred around his game Crypto Zoo, a multi level type marketing scheme except for, get this, families to enjoy together. It would make you laugh if it wasn’t so scary. So many ordinary people on camera talking about losing thousands of dollars, 40 thousand, 60 thousand.

They showed one guy who had played the game, had three eggs, he’d even hatched an egg, got a prize, the litten, a cross between a lion and a kitten. Was it generating a passive income like the Crypto Zoo game suggested, was it hell.

It’s unfathomable really that so many people are falling for the get quick rich scam. They called them push and dump schemes in the program, something you’d imagine the SEC would be watching closely. It seems bitcoins like Dink and Doink, the stupider the name the better, are being created, the gang buy in when the coins are issued and really cheap. Logan Paul then starts pushing the coin out to his followers. As the price starts to rise, the inside gang dump their coins, the price crashes and all of Logan’s followers lose their shirt, or pretty much.

I remember catching a penny stock wave in the 2000. I guess it’s not much different to all the insider trading happening on stock platforms like Ameritrade.

I haven’t got into gambling with Crypto myself, I do have an account. I only use it to buy other things from mainly the Netherlands.

To sum up, I think “the influencer” is dying. The concept of People, the public mindlessly following salesmen and women online, people with no other real life accomplishment and buying into them without any thought or actually checking of their credentials.

We all know what sales people will do to get the deal. It’s a very fine line between lying and marketing.

I think pitching Crypto Zoo as a family bonding experience would be a bit of a stretch for anyone.

It was a smashing watch. Definitely recommend it. Definitely a water cooler moment. It was shocking, worrying really how many people were saying even though Logan Paul had potentially done things wrong they still loved him and would continue to follow him.

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Mark Hutchinson

Mark HutchinsonMark Hutchinson

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