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Margaret Louis / 19 December 2024 / Categories: City, Transportation & Parking


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I had to write about this.

“the PCN was not served at the time, either because the officer was prevented from doing so or because the vehicle drove away.”

What is that? Some kind of joke?

Leicestershire County Council are responsible for parking infractions in Market Harborough. I am sure I am not the only person getting one of these letters and thinking what the blooming heck, (I know no swearing) is going on. The first thing I want to say is the definition of “parking” or “to park” is to leave your car unattended.


bring (a vehicle that one is driving) to a halt and leave it temporarily, typically in a parking lot or by the side of the road.

I am writing this in complete disbelief having just received a parking ticket by post that states the reason the parking attendant was unable to give you the ticket was you drove off.

Is that some kind of joke. The parking attendants now have the power to just decide you stopped somewhere deemed as no parking, maybe a double yellow to drop off a passenger and low and behold a fine drops through your door saying I saw you, you didn’t actually park but who cares, just pay up.

And you know what I am going to because the last time I took on Market Harborough district council it cost me a lot more than the questionable government fund raising tactics.

Market Harborough voted one of the best places to live according to the Sunday Times, the journalists maybe need a rethink if they can get to the bottom of who is actually running things.

I have often wondered why over the last year or so there are absolutely no people in the town centre and thinking how tough it must be for the businesses.

Ordinarily I would challenge something like this but I know from experience you cannot challenge the council. You end up going around in circles, the bill goes up and up and the stress and aggravation and harassment from debt collectors gets so great and unbearable you have to pay in the end and it’s just not worth it.

A complete joke of a system geared to generate revenue to pay ineffective staff salaries is my assessment.

It would be better to have the parking attendants standing with council collection buckets like charity collectors at the entrance to the town centre charging everyone to come in. Much more honest and straightforward and gives people a choice to visit and pay or stay at home.

FYI just discovered Leicestershire county council have a dedicated website for everything parking Welcome to the Leicestershire County Council parking portal which can be used to pay and challenge Penalty Charge Notices.

How fantastic is that. LCC Parking Matters Https://www.councilparking.org

What a great name.

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ProsCute place
ConsDon’t stop you’ll get a ticket
Margaret Louis

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