Previous SnoopAlfred Hitchcock Next SnoopManchester Evening News Jeanie Davidson / 09 October 2024 / Categories: Product and Brands, Branded Products, Specialist, Health Tepe Dividers Made In Sweden I’ve been a flosser since my early twenties, I heard Donny Osmond say a zillion years ago on Breakfast TV his number one top top for looking younger was being an habitual flosser. He said he believed it took at least 10 years off him. So I began flossing.Then in 1990 Julia Roberts told us in Pretty Woman,“I had all those strawberry seeds. And you shouldn't neglect your gums.”And I was reassured I was already on it.30 years and 3 years adult orthodontic treatment later and I have a permanent retainer that needs looking after.Most interdental brushes are like tiny bottle brushes on a twisted wire frame or a plastic handle. Interdental brushes are not inexpensive so I try to use them more than once, the problem is they bend and then are really difficult to get into tight spaces.These silicone ones from Tepe are a game changer, they remove debris and plague so much better, and they don’t collapse so when used in conjunction with antiseptic mouthwash you definitely get more uses. Also they come in a neat plastic case which makes for easy storage and travelling.If you are a die hard flosser I’d recommend swapping to interdental brushes, quicker and easier and you do get a cleaner feeling mouth. Print Rate this snoop: No rating yet 149 Tags:Tepeinterdental brushes Rant Or RaveRaveProsVery easy and don’t Jeanie DavidsonJeanie Davidson Other snoops by Jeanie Davidson Contact snooper Comments are only visible to subscribers. Contact author Message sent. Name: Please enter your name. Please enter your name. Email: Please enter a valid email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your email. Subject: Please enter a subject Please enter a subject Message: Please enter the message. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use. Please select if you agree. Please solve captcha Please solve captcha. Close x