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Lindsey Lowson / 15 December 2012 / Categories: Movie and TV Shows, Movie




Paddy Considine, in his directorial debut blows it out of the water, not surprisingly winning a Bafta in 2011. I absolutely LOVED this film although I must warn you the opening sequence is extremely violent and quite disturbing.

It is a tale of poverty and dark troubles on a British council estate with Peter Mullen playing a disturbed loner I totally connected with as a character.

This movie asks all kinds of questions that don't normally get asked in movies. It is extremely thought provoking and allows the viewer to delve a little deeper into their own psyche and really challenge long held thoughts and beliefs. When we look closely at situations sometimes we don't really understand why we think a certain way or can't justify why we are sometimes so judgemental of others.

Brilliant, brilliant film!!!!!

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ProsRefreshing script, very real
ConsVery violent

Lindsey LowsonLindsey Lowson

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