8 December Movie Movie thriller drama A perfect Murder Emily Bradford (Paltrow) is a society daughter married to the successful Steven Taylor (Douglas). Heiress to a huge family fortune, Emily is due...
There’s something about Alfred Molina Movie Chocolat Chocolat (French pronunciation: [ʃɔkɔla]) is a 2000 romance film, based on the 1999 novel Chocolat by the English author Joanne Harris, directed by Lasse Hallström.
Movie Sliding Doors Helen is a stunning twentysomething public relations executive in London who lives out two provocatively different...
Movie The Substance A thought provoking film about aging and becoming a better version of yourself with an unnatural substance.
18 November Movie Movie About sexual harassment in Hollywood. She Said Movie The New York Times journalists Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor publish a report that exposes sexual abuse allegations against powerful Hollywood...