4 November Movie A film based on the true story of Jordan belfort The Wolf of Wall Street A fil based on Jordan Belfort's real biography, which includes his ascent to prominence as a wealthy stock broker and his subsequent decline due...
If you like It’s Complicated, Something Gotta Give, type flicks Movie THE WOMEN The film is based on Clare Boothe Luce's 1936 play of the same name, and was adapted for the screen by Anita Loos and Jane Murfin, who had to make the film acceptable for the Production Code for...
Movie Greed The Movie Greed is a 2019 satirical black comedy film written and directed by Michael Winterbottom based on the story of Top...
Movie Alfie The British romantic comedy-drama film Alfie (2004) is based on the 1966 film of the same name and its 1975...
21 October Movie Movie (2019) Film Joker Joker is a 2019 American psychological thriller film directed by Todd Phillips from a screenplay he co-wrote with Scott Silver.