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Donald Trump Inauguration Speech
Fiona Moss / 21 January 2025 / Categories: People, Business Leaders, Politicians

Donald Trump Inauguration Speech

Just my opinion

Donald Trump Inauguration Speech

I have been thinking a lot about Donald Trumps inauguration speech.

I am a democrat, an activist for the planet, a vegetarian but I am also an advocate for unity and peace two words that rang out, some may argue the two most important words,

“I want to be a unifier and peacemaker”

The speech was book ended by two messages, the first “America First”

And then at the end of the speech in the closing minutes Mr. Trump said: ‘We will be a nation like no other, full of compassion, courage and exceptionalism. Our power will stop all wars, bring a new spirit of unity to a world that has been angry, violent and totally unpredictable.’

Peace and Unity.

There were a lot of cheers from the assembly which included the richest and most powerful trio in tech, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezo and Mark Zuckerberg. The tech money and power ever present, Hollywood money and power absent.

I chose not to be vaccinated against Covid, like for so many others, it was a tough stance to take. I didn’t lose my job as a teacher but I did lose a lot of my students and income. I was over the moon to see service men and women sacked over this issue being reinstated with full back pay.

Of course I shuddered when Mr. Trump said the drilling for oil and gas starts tomorrow, effectively immediately (in much the same way when he put a blanket blame on California governor Gavin Newson for the raging fires in LA) and declaring a national emergency on our southern border and sending troops to defend it.

I also want to highlight absolutely no mention of women, women’s health and women’s rights in this exceptionally well orchestrated and well delivered, (not reading off a card or teleprompter) as far as I could see.

A deep desire to stop wars is definitely something I am down with and we had a debate last evening, one of my climate friends posed the question if drilling for oil, stopped the Russians holding the world to ransom and saved all the people in Africa going to starve otherwise would you do it?

I couldn’t say I wouldn’t.

It’s very easy to criticise from the sideline, and it’s true Mr. Trump has managed to achieve the impossible escaping numerous criminal Indictments. Maybe he has been the victim of a witch-hunt and actually now knows what that feels like.

When the whispers in corridors of power have become so inaudible Barack Obama’s cheating on Michelle with Jennifer Aniston who knows what to believe.

After two assassination attempts and probably the scariest couple of years a man like Donald Trump has ever had to face there is something to be said for someone who has got the guts to get up there and believe in his ability to make things better for everyone.

We can only watch and wait and see.

Good Luck Mr. President. I too hope your legacy is the one you describe the greatest unifier and peacemaker in our history.

Not sure we ladies are buying the new gender equality legislation as something for us. Just saying.

Free image credit Pixabay.com

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Fiona MossFiona Moss

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