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Industry HBO
March Moss / 02 December 2024 / Categories: Movie and TV Shows, TV Show

Industry HBO

On BBC I player

Industry HBO

Do you ever scroll through the free to watch films on Freely and wonder how there could be so many you’ve never even heard of. I can spend a mindless hour scrolling through the options looking for something to watch and coming up short I’ve started being very conscious when I hear about something or read about something to write it down. Lately I’ve found myself going to pay per view a bit too much for convenience and the bills and subscriptions are adding up. Not sure if this is turning into

more of a rant about Freely than a rave about Industry

from HBO watched for free on BBC iPlayer

I watched a preview for Industry on the one show and although it was promoting the third season I wrote it down and stuck for something to watch we put the first episode of the first season on.

It’s a slow burn with a big cast of characters so it’s going to take a while the get to know them all.

The premise of the show is a bunch of graduates getting through the interview process to join a highly competitive and cut throat firm in the City of London, Pierpoint.

It’s hard core and gritty and having had friends working in the environment confirm it’s exactly like this is real life makes it even more chilling and edge of your seat.

In the first episode we see an American fudge her university credentials and then give video sex in exchange for fake papers to keep her job, only to be touched up by the big clients before she gets over it to close her first big deal.

All in a days work.

Oh yes and someone died in the bathroom from “overwork”

It’s glamourous, aggressive, greedy, naive, a snake pit where the serpents are more vicious and poisonous than the young graduates could ever have expected and where the adjustment to mold to the environment seems as easy as donning a pair of £100 socks or a hand made suit: We’re hooked.

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March MossMarch Moss

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