Previous SnoopM&S Plant Kitchen Dark Chocolate, Cranberry and Hazelnut Cookie Next SnoopIndustry HBO Poppy / 02 December 2024 / Categories: Product and Brands, Food Fortnum and Mason SparklingTea Looks like champagne, tastes like champagne, no hangover I just hosted my first booze free holiday party. I did it for a couple of my friends who gave up drinking last year, mainly for health mental health reasons not because either were out of control; but we wanted to recognise and celebrate their achievement and see if the rest of us could have a good time for one night without a skin full.We served zero gin and tonics, which went down OK but the highlight of the evening was the Fortnums sparkling tea. I honestly think the guests forgot there wasn’t any alcohol. The bottle open like champagne, the popOf the cork, the froth and fizz as you pour and it even delivers that slight shudder as you take your first sip.It is fizzy, but then so is champagne and as the conversation got going and the hors d’oevres were passed I honestly think people forgot they weren’t drinking alcohol.The only difference was by 11pm everyone had left. And no one was repeating themselves. It’s about £16 a bottle so a lot cheaper than champagne too. Print Rate this snoop: No rating yet 88 Tags:Teasparkling teanon alcoholiczero alcohol Rant Or PoppyPoppy 28 year old london based interior decorator and blogger. Other snoops by Poppy Contact snooper Full biography Full biography I live with my boyfriend Reg and too rescue puppies in SW7. We like London life, walks in the park, street food, flea markets, markets in general, upcycling, salvage, arts and crafts, sewing and a little roof terrace gardening, mainly herbs and tomatoes. x Twitter Comments are only visible to subscribers. Contact author Message sent. Name: Please enter your name. Please enter your name. Email: Please enter a valid email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your email. Subject: Please enter a subject Please enter a subject Message: Please enter the message. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use. Please select if you agree. Please solve captcha Please solve captcha. Close x