Previous SnoopChristmas TV from The BBC Next SnoopChanel No 5 Body Lotion Headie Aster / 27 December 2024 / Categories: City, Services, Hair Care OMIS HAIR Only been once Whenever I am in St John’s Wood I try and get my hair done. There are loads of salons, mainly Turkish and for anyone looking for the ultimate bouncy blow that will last one week maybe two this is a good neighbourhood to explore the offering, not inexpensive and highly competitive. Expect the charm and volatility in combination you might find in a Middle Eastern souq.I have walked past Omis loads of times, a small salon but always a hive of activity full of ladies will expensive accessories sashaying in and out.My regular stylist was unwell so I decided to pop in on the off chance I could get a blow dry.I walked in expecting to be turned away as three blow dries were happening one next to the other, young professionals smartly dressed all in black like three machines meticulously working the hair until it shon._The wash was great, good pressure, no talking. I waited patiently about 10 minutes until an older lady, out of breath who looked like she’d just been cleaning came out of the back. She didn’t introduce herself she just picked up the brush and started blow drying my hair, not as I’d expect in an ordered fashion starting at the back. It was very strange.She even kept getting the brush tangled in my hair which was a bit awkward as she tried to manage freeing the brush without having to cut it out.The salon is small yet professional and as I said always packed so I could have just been unlucky and got someone with not much experience.The result. Not the best. Although when she said she’d finished I was glad to get out of there.I paid £40 no tip. Print Rate this snoop: No rating yet 55 Tags:Londonhair Rant Or RaveRantProsWalk in Headie AsterHeadie Aster Other snoops by Headie Aster Contact snooper Comments are only visible to subscribers. Contact author Message sent. Name: Please enter your name. Please enter your name. Email: Please enter a valid email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your email. Subject: Please enter a subject Please enter a subject Message: Please enter the message. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use. Please select if you agree. Please solve captcha Please solve captcha. Close x