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Rubiks Cube
Harvey / 28 December 2024 / Categories: Branded Products, Specialist, Opinions

Rubiks Cube

Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas

Rubiks Cube

I love a puzzle or a game. I am a Mensa geek and I don’t tell you this to bragg more as an explanation why I like the things I like.

I got my first Rubik cube as a kid about 8 or 9, I am now in my 30’s and although this isn’t my original one, I had three of four over the years, you can see I haven’t solved it yet.

The Rubik’s cube had given me over 20 years entertainment. I love a puzzle, a jigsaw, “brain teasers and mind benders” was the title of one of my favourite books growing up and yet I have never solved it. It’s become a bit of a standing joke on holiday or over the holidays when I pick it up, “not managed it yet?” Or “you still working on it?”

One of my relatives told me they saw a little kid it and said it’d a 7 stage solution.

I could cheat and read how to do it, somehow after all this time I feel that would be cheating myself.

The puzzle costs around £6 plus shipping and you can find them secondhand at every carboot, yard sale, jumble sale for pennies.

I’f say over the years I’ve had more hours of pleasure and more train journeys and flights passed per pound spent than anything else ever.

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