Previous SnoopSophie's World Next SnoopStoner By John Edward Williams Mark Hutchinson / 15 May 2013 / Categories: Books, E-Books Sport Of Seduction STILL LAUGHINGMy lovely girlfriend, Suzy, bought me a Kindle for Valentine's day, (impressive little bit of kit I'm now addicted to) and already loaded on there was this short little E-Book, no hints as to why she gave it to MOI. Like most men, if you ask their Mrs, she thinks there's room for improvement which is bollocks of course, the stud muffin that I am.Anyway I dove in just to keep her quiet.It's a manual, for want of a better description, on how to get laid from a woman's perpective. Tough love. Very funny. The sporting references are quick and the humour borderline crude and mucky, perfect for a simple, sport loving sex maniac. Seriously though we've had a right laugh reading it together and it did spice things up a bit so no complaints there.Don't all rush out at once you lot.Looking online it only costs £1.53 to download. Got to have the kindle though. Print Rate this snoop: No rating yet 9845 Rant or RaveRaveProssuch a quick Mark HutchinsonMark Hutchinson Other snoops by Mark Hutchinson Contact snooper Comments are only visible to subscribers. Contact author Message sent. Name: Please enter your name. Please enter your name. Email: Please enter a valid email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your email. Subject: Please enter a subject Please enter a subject Message: Please enter the message. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use. Please select if you agree. Please solve captcha Please solve captcha. Close x