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T J Maxx
Fiona Moss / 07 November 2012 / Categories: Shops, Clothing

T J Maxx

T J Maxx


I have just been to three TJ Maxx stores to try and find some new workout clothes and I must say as a massive fan over the years, how much the stores have gone down hill. I don't know if it's because of the economy that the buyers can no longer get the quality stock they used to but I felt like I was in K-Mart. The rails were full of cheaper brands that in my mind, don't fit the "designer labels for less" marketing and the prices weren't that great considering, an ugly Jones of New York suit for $100.

I thought it might just be the Torrance store, so I drove down to Palos Verde and also tried the one on Hawthorne Boulevard but they were all the same, no cool stuff for exercising; no cool stuff at all actually.

I don't know what's happened as this used to be one of my favorite stores but the brand has definitely changed. In the past I've found Gucci, Armani, Coach, this weekend I couldn't even find a pair of branded sweats.

I did pick up one pair of non branded light weight skinny jeans off the clearance rail for $4 which are great for four bucks but the designer find of old is sadly no longer available.

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Fiona MossFiona Moss

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