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Blue Jasmine

Blue Jasmine

Blue Jasmine
Shirley Yanez 7849

Blue Jasmine

I love this movie so much I have seen it 20 times and could watch it again and again. Woody Allen captures the tragedy which outweighs any comedy and Cate Blanchett deserved to win the best actress Oscar for her performance. Jasmine is in a fragile emotional state and lacks job skills when she loses her rich privilidged life because her cheating crook of a husband Alec Bawldwin hangs himself in jail and she has to move to live with Ginger her sister.

Jasmine is amazing as a wife of a Wall Street financier living the high life but ends up taking to many zanax and vodka when she loses it all taking a menial job with a dentist to pay for night classes to become an interior designer in order to climb back up the success ladder.

BLUE JASMINE is about the dire consequences that can result when people avert their eyes from reality and the truth they don't want to see.


Rant or Rave?Rave
ProsAmazing acting and script
Actors PerformanceExcellent


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Another one of very good Woody Allen creations. This film is not as most of his quick witted comedies as aside from few funny moments it mainly deals with serious life issues of main character Jasmine who has recently been divorced.

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