Previous SnoopVolpo Lounge Fosse Park Next SnoopNationwide Carmen Pascal / 14 October 2024 / Categories: Food & Drink, Product and Brands, Specialist, Food Charbonnel et Walker Champagne Truffles Everyone must try this if only once. These pink Marc de Champagne truffles are undeniably spectacular, as Charbonnel and walker have shops now in Paris, France, Riyad, Saudi Arabia as well as 3 locations in London and one up north in Leeds, UK too.A box of chocolates that costs 50 euros, mon deiu has the world gone mad. No. Not when you pop one of these unmistakably Charbonnel et Walker globes of magic into your mouth and try not to crunch it which you will agree with me is virtually impossible.I think this company still embodies the value of it’s founders two ladies, one English, one French and I think everything about Charbonnel et (not and) Walker embodies the combination of these to differing but complimentary sensibilities.And who doesn’t love delicious chocolate, something that crosses borders without prejudice.You can buy smaller boxes of just the pink truffles and whilst these are delicious in my opinion enhanced when eaten in combination with the light brown chocolate truffles. The milk truffles they make are equally earth shattering. Why I choose the big box for both types.The big one you get two layers, approx 20 truffles per layer. And I like to eat them in combination, two milk, one pink, two pink, one milk. You know how some things go together, aren’t the same without the other flavour, choc mint chip, well these two truffles are like that too.Lots of other brands do a a pink Marc de champagne truffle, I always try them when I see a box but I have found nothing to come close to this special special box of chocolates. Quite possibly my absolute favourite.They have three stores in London. The one I like the best is in Old Bond St. Print Rate this snoop: No rating yet 174 Tags:LondonChocolate Rant Or RaveRaveProsBest in the worldConsHard to Carmen PascalCarmen Pascal Other snoops by Carmen Pascal Contact snooper Comments are only visible to subscribers. Contact author Message sent. Name: Please enter your name. Please enter your name. Email: Please enter a valid email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your email. Subject: Please enter a subject Please enter a subject Message: Please enter the message. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use. Please select if you agree. Please solve captcha Please solve captcha. Close x