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Cabury’s Cream Egg it’s a classic best deal ever at Aldi
Georgina / 07 March 2025 / Categories: Food & Drink, Branded Products, Food

Cabury’s Cream Egg it’s a classic best deal ever at Aldi

Cabury’s Cream Egg it’s a classic best deal ever at Aldi

Who doesn’t love a Cabury’s cream egg. I know everyone has their own special way of eating them. It’s a thick chocolate shell with a creamy sugary centre, white with a yellow yolk. I cannot believe I just missed out on the killer deal at Aldi. Cabury’s cream eggs for less than 50p each.

How do you eat yours? All in one go? Personally I like to lick the cream out and then devour the chocolate. Sometimes with my finger or sticking a bit in and then eating the cream before the chocolate melts.

They used to be around all year. These days the Cabury’s cream egg appears in the shops around about now and then disappears after Easter so now’s the time to enjoy one or two.

I’ve even noticed Dominoes Pizza have jumped on the Cabury’s cream egg band wagon offering a whole one melted inside a cookie. Not sure how much they are but certainly tempted to try one.

Love to hear your thoughts particularly if you’ve tried the Dominoes Cabury Cream Egg cookie.

About as good for you as a deep fried mars bar.

The cookies are available throughout the UK from Monday, February 24 until Sunday, April 20.

They retail for £6.99 for a pair of signature cookies and each cookie contains 370 calories.

If you stick with just the egg, then it’s 160 calories.

I like mine straight from the fridge.

A box of five will cost you around £2.95 from Aldi link below or about £1.25 each if you buy individually.

Although some very happy shoppers picked the boxes of 5 Cabury’s Cream eggs up for an unbelievable deal, £1.49 for five with some shoppers reporting they purchased as many as 18 or 20 boxes. Not sure I could eat 100 even if they were free but hey let’s share the love.

The offer ended sadly on the 2nd March, 2025 or while stocks lasted according to Aldi but who knows when a deal like this will pop up again.

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Georgina Georgina

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