Previous SnoopAl Scott signwriter Leicester Next SnoopJohns House Restaurant Elizabeth Black / 16 October 2024 / Categories: Travel and Holidays, Flights Tui Airlines I used to be an airline snob Like many people I dread flying. It’s not a fear of flying as such just the hustle and bustle, the queues, the too hot and then freezing, the bad food, all of it. The reason I have tried to avoid packages and charter flights, budget airlines and last minute travel.I got a real shock when I tried to book a quick break, 4 or 5 days anywhere in Europe a few months ago. I couldn’t believe how little inventory there was when getting a flight for a £25 in the past felt like the norm.There was nothing available, no jet 2, my preferred budget airline, no easy jet and Ryan air my definitely not preferred airline of choice, not even Wiz air a new airline I’d seen advertised online once or twice.I knew about Thompson Holidays rebranded to Tui, and their Jesse Glynn overtake of “Ready For This” “Hold My Hand” song which now every time I hear it all I can think of is the Tui advert, the point I guess.In absolute desperation I booked the trip, flight only with Tui and sorted my own accommodation.And I have to say I was impressed with the airline, not the customers sadly some of whom were noisy and drinking early, spoiling things for everyone else. I did feel a bit sorry for the flight attendants on the outbound flight.It was funny for us to observe the kind of people they had hired to deal with the excitement onboard exacerbated by alcohol consumption. They reminded us of glamorous hospital matrons who were not standing for any nonsense.The checkin times, airport slots were early and the queues to check in not great, thank goodness we arrived earlier than recommended but every member of Tui staff were brilliant. We got great seats assigned and our bag got passed through a few pounds over the allocation with a nod and a wink but no £75 excess bag charge.The food onboard was no worse than any other airline and the selection of duty free we thought was good. We got to try a blush, Blursh Island from an up and coming Make up artist Mitchell Halliday and a lovely tanning product oil Tan Luxe the glow, which is a combo, tanning body oil product we’d never heard of.The best thing of all was Tui environmental initiative, where customers can support WWF world wildlife fund via the Tui internal social give back, by purchasing artisan chocolate Turtles made by a small artisan family company Chococo in Dorset, UK.As a cold water swimmer I bought the Turtles to support the Tui Turtle Aid program and they were tasty. Better than supermarket chocolate for sure.Thank you Tui Airlines. We could see everything you are doing to offer your customers an affordable but luxury experience. Print Rate this snoop: No rating yet 114 Tags:Tuiairlines Rant Or RaveRaveProsThey’ve changedConsRowdy Elizabeth BlackElizabeth Black Country girl Other snoops by Elizabeth Black Contact snooper Full biography Full biography Not many vegetarian farmers around. Family have a small holding in the West Midlands. Never happier than out in nature. Love working out and enjoy a run. x Twitter Comments are only visible to subscribers. Contact author Message sent. Name: Please enter your name. Please enter your name. Email: Please enter a valid email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your email. Subject: Please enter a subject Please enter a subject Message: Please enter the message. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use. Please select if you agree. Please solve captcha Please solve captcha. Close x