Previous SnoopArch Labels Dress Agency Next SnoopTom Kerridge Sandwich on British Airways Andrew James / 16 October 2024 / Categories: City, Services, Real Estate Andrew and Ashwell RICS Property surveyors Sometimes in business I have to deal with people I don’t get along with or just don’t like. It doesn’t happen that often and hey I think I am a pretty reasonable guy.This snoop is for me to express a niggle. Something at the time that really wound me up. My dealings with the firm are now over so I feel more comfortable sharing my experience.Ever felt bullied even though you are the client?The firm didn’t do anything specific, they dotted all the “I” s and crossed all the “T” and I found myself with a signed contract that didn’t outline the terms I had agreed when it came to resolving a problem down the road.I had been blindsided but I couldn’t prove it. I’d trusted my agent to outline agreed terms in the contract but the additional clauses were omitted.It was a mistake on my part that ended up costing my client money, something I wasn’t delighted about but had to stomach.If you need the services of a chartered surveyor, like a solicitor or accountant, they are qualified and if they are acting for you, you’ll probably come off the winner, however if they are the agent for a commercial building you are looking to rent or buy, beware they might be a little more ruthless than you might imagine.I have certainly learned a lot for the future. Print Rate this snoop: No rating yet 201 Tags:leicesterRICSSurveyors Rant Or RaveRantProsVery thorough ConsBe careful if you don’t have Andrew JamesAndrew James Other snoops by Andrew James Contact snooper Comments are only visible to subscribers. Contact author Message sent. Name: Please enter your name. Please enter your name. Email: Please enter a valid email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your email. Subject: Please enter a subject Please enter a subject Message: Please enter the message. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use. Please select if you agree. Please solve captcha Please solve captcha. Close x