Previous SnoopLife Pharmacy Oxford Street Next SnoopDopesick TV Drama Sahara Mara / 19 November 2024 / Categories: People, Photographers Corinne Dubreuil I am a big fan I probably have over 200 of Corinne’s images screenshotted on my phone. And even when I recently purged my follows on Instagram and cut it down to only a couple of hundred accounts Corinne Dubreuil’s feed was one that had to stay.I could only choose one image to post with my snoop and I absolutely loved this one of Rafael and Carlos in their doubles bid for Olympic Gold at Roland Garros this year, 2024.You don’t have to be a tennis fan to appreciate Corinne Dubreuil’s work. I like to snap a few pictures myself but she seems able to tell stories with her images, she always seem to have a finger depress that shutter at exactly the right nano second.I don’t know her personally and we have never met (although we’ve defoDefinitely been at the same events at the same time in the past even our paths have never crossed)Even so she is one of the few creatives I follow who respond and acknowledge comments on social media.The truth is the work speaks for itself. They say every picture tells a story something so very true about Corinne’s pictures.You can follow her find out more on Instagram @corinnedubreuilPOOPSNOOP editor removed copyrighted image. Image discussed in snoop can be viewed on Corinne Dubreuil’s website we substituted with her Instagram feed. Print Rate this snoop: 5.0 77 Tags:photographytennisPhotographerpolitics Rant Or Sahara MaraSahara Mara Other snoops by Sahara Mara Contact snooper Comments are only visible to subscribers. Contact author Message sent. Name: Please enter your name. Please enter your name. Email: Please enter a valid email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your email. Subject: Please enter a subject Please enter a subject Message: Please enter the message. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use. Please select if you agree. Please solve captcha Please solve captcha. Close x