Previous SnoopLily's Kitchen Cat Food Next SnoopChanel No 5 The body Oil Sahara Mara / 10 October 2024 / Categories: Bodies & Groups, Government, Authorities and Justice The Government Of Norway No editing pictures law to help mental health Not disclosing a photo has been retouched is illegal in Norway and has been since July 2021 leading the way for other countries to do the same. Due to the impact of image distortion on the mental health of the population, by creating unrealistic ideals and norms young people especially cannot live up to, the government have passed a law making it illegal to modify images without saying you’ve done it. The penalty for non compliance a fine or in some serious cases it could mean imprisonment.I post content as a semi professional influencer and I do edit my pictures. I am not sure how I feel about full disclosure, although everyone knows subconsciously what images usually look like raw. The appearance of background removing apps in one swipe like pixel cut indicate how many people are using editing apps and software to enhance their images.So would full disclosure actually make a difference. I am not sure how it is working in Norway, we get disclosure here in a similar way for paid promotion and affiliate links, supposedly to inform the consumer this is to make you buy something, not inform you you about something factual but the writing is usually so minuscule you don’t see it anyway.I guess the problem for marketeers is it’s hard to find a perfect unblemished natural face to sell miracle creams to women or men for that matter. The reality if you’ve got a face like that you don’t need the cream and the consumer can’t relate, basically because that level of perfection doesn’t exist.I think it’s a bold move on behalf of Norway 🇳🇴I suppose I am in agreement with actress Emma Thompson “when 8 year olds are worrying about the size of their thighs” something has to be done.I do try my best to be very honest with my growing audience.I do edit images a lot (not necessarily to make fatter thinner, or older younger) but maybe the time has come, with or without a law, for influencers to be a bit more open about what they are selling and the tools we use to “trompe oeil” trick the eye. Print Rate this snoop: No rating yet 97 Tags:Image editingnorwaymental health Rant Or RaveRaveProsThings are more openConsDon’t know if it will help long term Sahara MaraSahara Mara Other snoops by Sahara Mara Contact snooper Comments are only visible to subscribers. Contact author Message sent. Name: Please enter your name. Please enter your name. Email: Please enter a valid email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your email. Subject: Please enter a subject Please enter a subject Message: Please enter the message. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use. Please select if you agree. Please solve captcha Please solve captcha. Close x